~ NORTH LANE ~ CANTERBURY Westgate without North Lane Flooding c. 1909 In consequence of the rapid melting of the snow, which commenced on Monday evening, a great number of houses in Canterbury were overflowed, and the furniture in many materially damaged. The thaw continuing all Tuesday, and the greatest part of Wednesday, occasioned the river Stour to spread its waters to a greater depth and extent than at any time since the year 1776, over all the adjoining low lands from Ashford to Sandwich haven. At noon on Wednesday, the flood increased so rapidly, that many houses in Stour Street, Beer cart lane, Lamb lane, Bests Lane, St. Radegund's bath, Pound Lane, part of St. Peter's, Cocklane, St. Dunstan's, and North Lane, had their ground floors laid under water, those nearest the river several feet deep. The inhabitants were obliged to betake themselves to their chambers for safety, and some families to leave their habitations. In the afternoon it again began to freeze, which probably in some measure checked the supplies of the torrent, and lessened its rapidity; and between ten and eleven at night the waters were perceived to subside, and in the morning marked their progress, by leaving the streets covered with broad and broken sheets of ice. TSMFeb1795 Nov 1810 - At Canterbury, the heavy rains which fell during the latter part of the last week have inundated the vale of the Stour, both above and below that city, and the water has risen in its vicinity to the ground floors of many of the houses adjoining the banks in Northlane, St. Peter's Lane, &c. Below Canterbury the valley to Starr had the appearance of a lake, and the adjacent levels of St. Nicholas, Minster, and Monkton, were so completely inundated as to give the idea of an estuary, and reduce Thanet literally to an island. The waters have since subsided. GM1810 The view looking down North Lane from the corner of St. Dunstan's Street 2011 A view of Pound Lane on the right and North Lane on the left from West Gate Towers (my collection)
Death August 12, 1809 - At his Fathers in North Lane, aged 22, Mr. James Claris, late assistant to Mr. J. Saffery, bookseller of Canterbury. GM1809
March 8th, 1815 - An attempt was made to excite a riot at Canterbury, on acount of the corn bill. A number of the lower orders paraded the effigy of a noble earl through the principal streets of the city; and in the evening, having returned to the front of the Guildhall, consigned it to the flames, amidst hootings, hisses, and groans. They then proceeded to acts of violence, by breaking the windows of John Baker, Esq. one of the members of parliament for the city, at St. Stephen's; and of Mr. D. J. Parker, at the end of North Lane. The disturbances, however, were speedily quelled, and next day, John Jarman, one of the rioters, was committed to gaol, together with his brother Thomas Jarman, who had attempted as rescue. TEAR1815
Partnerships Disolved - Gazette June 18 - William Thomas MACKNEY and George BURMAN, North lane, Westgate Without, Canterbury, Ironfounders & Millwrights, June 8th, 1830
Three cases of measles attended to in an epidemic of this disease in North Lane, Canterbury during 1852 by G. Rigden, Esq. 15 cases were fatal - two in North Lane (Westgate) Male 5 year old, death June 6th & Female 3 months died June 7th. Nature of District - Unhealthy AMJ
A view of Canterbury Cathedral from North Lane with a great view of Abbots Mill on the left. My thanks go out to Len Parrick for the loan of this postcard for the site
1823 - Deaths, In North Lane, 90, Mrs. H. Couchman. MM1823
1825 - lxxxviii, An Act for more effectually repairing the roads leading from Saint Dunstan's Cross to North Lane near to the city of Canterbury, and to the sea side at Whitstable in the county of Kent, and for widening and improving the road from North Lane aforesaid, over west gate bridge, to the west gate of the said city, and for making a foot bridge on each side of the said bridge and gate into the said city. AR1824
1830 Poll of the Electors for members of parliament to represent the city of Canterbury William James, Labourer, North Lane, Canterbury Peter Delo, Junior, Labourer, North Lane Richard Peters, Labourer, North Lane Isaac Thorp, Woolcomber, North Lane John F. Homersham, Woolstapler, North Lane Alfred Sabine, Senior, Baker, North Lane Robert Avann, Fellmonger, North Lane *1851 - Robert AVANN, of the parish of Holy Cross, Westgate, near the city of Canterbury, in the county of Kent, fellmonger, d. c. surr. April 4 and May 5 at 12. Court, Basinghall-street. Com. Fane. Official assignee, Cannan. Sols. S.C. Venour, Gray's Inn-square; Furleys & Mercer, Canterbury. Petition, March 18. Pet. Crs. James Homersham, sen. and James Homersham, jun., of Canterbury, Woolstaplers. (The Law Journal) Charles Parsons, Cordwainer, North Lane Charles Christie, Tailor, North Lane James Howard, Baker, North Lane Henry Grey, Junior, Woolcomber, North Lane
1839 Robert AVAN, Woolstapler, North Lane
1847 Mr. George Blake, North Lane
1850's North Lane - ELIZABETH TERRY, widow, age 75, Pauper born Norfolk death of an Elizabeth TERRY, age 2 of North Lane, buried July 20th, 1819 at Holy Cross death of an Hester TERRY, age 33 years, buried Jan 31, 1823 at Holy Cross death of an Esther TERRY, age 1 of North Lane, buried October 10th, 1824 at Holy Cross
1840's Thomas Fairbrass, Ship Owner with wife Jane, daughter Helen and sons Frederic, Thomas and Edward. *Marriages January 6, 1848 - At Canterbury, James Mewburn, esq. of Leak House near Thirsk, Yorkshire, to Helen, only daughter of Mr. Thomas Fairbrass, of Canterbury. The gentlemen's magazine 1848
Miss Sarah Evernden, Landed Proprietress, North Lane % ^ (family - Elizabeth Robertson (married sister), Mary Evernden, and brother William Evernden) the family came from St. Nicholas at Wade, Kent *Sarah passed away in 1868 in Canterbury at the age of 86 *Creditors under 22 & 23 Vict. cap. 35. Last Day of Claim. Tuesday, Sept 21, 1869 - Sarah Evernden, Canterbury, Spinster. Nov. 1. Callaway & Furley, Canterbury
The buildings on the left are the backs of the houses from North Lane that back onto the River Stour
To be let, Small House in North Lane. Rent £25. Frederick Keyes. Auctioneer & Appraiser, accountant, house and Estate Agent, 29, Westgate Within, Canterbury (KG April 12, 1870)
No. 1 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - John WELSH, listed under Carriage Builders 1889 John WELSH, Coachbuilder 1889 Taxidermist Agnes DABBS, Naturalist )
No. 2 1889 Taxidermist Sydney BLIGH, Coach Builder )
No. 3 1889 Joseph HINTON, Labourer George Henry BROADBRIDGE )
No. 4 1889 John HOGBEN, Fly Driver Eli HAYELDEN, Gardener )
No. 5 1889 William BURTON "FALSTAFF TAP", and livery stables 1907 "Falstaff" Mews, North Lane Canterbury. W. Burton, Proprietor. Superior Broughams, Landaus, Victorias, Brakes, Waggonettes, Dog Carts, etc., at reasonable terms. Funeral Cars and Carriages supplied. Complete turn-outs jobbed. Special facilities for commercial gentlemen. Sole Contractor at Canterbury West Station for Omnibusses and Flys. Orders received at the "Falstaff" Mews and at Nash's Brushshop, 23 St. George's Street. Tele No. 50. Patronized by Royalty. George Edward ADLER, Pub )
No. 6 1889 Putwain Bros., Coal Merchants 1889 Charles GREEN, Wool Warehouse. Benjamin LEFEVRE, foreman to Charles Green, Staple Cottage William BURTON, Stable Master )
No. 7 1865 James MILLS, 7 North Lane 1889 Miss Jane BARROWS, Apartments George EAST )
Star/Steam Packet Passage
No. 8 1889 H. PAINE, Builder & Undertaker Charles R. MILES, Groom Moses TODD, China & Earthenware Seller ) No. 8a Percy J. PAINE )
Wood's or Martin's Passage
No. 9 1889 Mrs. CONNELL, Washerwoman Albert HOLLANDS, Bricklayer )
No. 10 1889 Edward STROUD, Labourer Henry BURTON )
No. 11 1889 Charles MILES, Fly Driver Albert J. BING )
No. 12 1889 - 1890's H. FIELD, Baker & Confectioner Henry FIELD, Baker )
Robers Passage
1889 - 1890's Mrs. ATTWOOD, Robus Yard
No. 13 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Thomas ROBUS, listed under Boot & Shoe Makers, Warehouses & Dirs. 1889 - 1890's Thomas ROBUS, Boot & Shoe Maker Thomas ROBUS, Bootmaker )
No. 14 1889 - 1890's Joseph BENNETT, Groom Sarah BENNETT )
No. 15 1889 - 1890's John WILSON, Stone Sawyer Chrsitian FOSTER )
No. 16 1889 - 1890's Edward J. LILLEY Jun. Poulterer / Fish Frederick BERWICK, Tanner ) *likely related to the BERWICK's of Stour Street Dec 1901 Frederick BARWICK of 16 North Lane, Canterbury The building on the right is H & W Hunt - Basket & Sieve Makers - North Lane 1903 - H & W Hunt - Basket & Sieve Makers - North Lane *William G. Hunt, Basket Maker, New Street
No. 17 1889 Mrs. HEAD James TODD, Metal Merchant )
No. 18 1889 John LOCK, Labourer John BELSEY, Bricklayer )
No. 19 1889 Vacant James BUSHELL, Brewers labourer ( George FIELD, Baker )
No. 20 1889 Vacant George ASHDOW, Licensed Victualler (pub) (
No. 21 Ringwood Cottages 1889 James SKINNER, Labourer Frederick AUSTEN, Groom )
No. 22 1889 H. MILES, Fly Driver William FLINT )
No. 23 1889 Vacant William DUNSTER )
No. 24 1889 Vacant William WELLER, Army Schoolmaster ( James HOLLOWAY, Shopkeeper )
1909 North Lane, Flooding of the River Stour showing the "BLUE ANCHOR" pub on the left and beside it the entrance to William Manwaring Miller and Cornfactor North Lane Grist Mill I'd like to thank the CURTIS family for previously loaning their copy to me (I've now just acquired the one above)
No. 25 (now The Ancient Raj) Joseph BURTON & "BLUE ANCHOR" 1889 - to at least 1903 John Robert BURTON "BLUE ANCHOR"
Blue Anchor Passage
No. 26 1889 - early 1890's Barber Bros. Corn Merchants - George R. Barber, James N. Barber James N. BARBER, Corn and Fodder Dealer
No. 27 1889 Stephen COX, Smith Albert RIGDEN, Wool Sorter John WEBB )
No. 28 1889 Mrs. Susannah STACE, General Dealer William KENDALL )
No. 29 1889 - early 1890's William BING, Railway Guard Rachel COLE )
No. 30 1889 Mrs. PARSONS Thomas COAMLOS )
No. 31 1889 Stephen PARSONS Angelo POLLARD )
No. 32 1889 Mrs. GALNIN Caroline DRAY )
No. 33 1889 Frederick W. COOK, Drayman - Mrs. Cook, Dressmaker Joseph FLANDERS )
No. 34 1889 - 1890's John A. KELK, Tanner William STACE, Woolstapler )
No. 35 1889 Mrs. Mary A. RICKWOOD, Charwoman Mary Ann RICKWOOD
No. 36 Francis STROUD & "WOOLPACK INN" 1889 - 1890's Francis STROUD, "WOOLPACK INN" Frinnes STROUD, Pub )
Woolpack Yard/Woolpack Court/Square or Beer's Cottages
No. 37 1889 Collard & Co., Coal Merchants S.E. Railway Coal Depot and Weigh Bridge; H. Reid in charge early 1900's - 1903 Charles GREEN (see no. 6 above)
No. 38 1889 A. PILCH, Coal Merchant 1903 Pilch, Collard & Co. Limited, Coal merchants, 1 Upper Bridge street; 38 North lane, Gordon road & 52 St. Peters street WEIGHBRIDGE HOUSE (unoccupied)
No. 39 1889 - 1890's James FINCH, Confectioner "Jan - Died at Canterbury, 58, James Finch, esq. greatly lamented." The Monthly Magazine, 1821 (possible relation) Charles A. ALBURY )
No. 40 1889 Miss Elizabeth LIDDELL, Music Teacher. Mrs. E. J. D. Nelson, Ivy Lodge 1889 Finch's Works Mrs. L. HAYWARD )
St. Stephen's Road, St. Stephen's Fields and the Causeway North Lane showing the Causeway and Hookers Mill (white building on the right) Oct 30, 1909
No. 43 1889 Mrs. Eliza WELLARD, Laundress
No. 44 1889 Mrs. SKINNER
No. 45 1889 Ed. James LILLEY, Senior - Game Dealer / Poultry / Fish STABLES 1903 Edward James LILLEY, Poulterer & Carrier, 45 North Lane
FOUNDRY COTTAGES 1889 1. Mrs. SUTER 2. Thomas COOMBS, Labourer 3. Charles PARSONS, Labourer 4. Charles AIANO, Carpenter 5. Frank BUTTON, Dairyman 6. William BURTON, Tailor
No. 49 Thomas LAWSON - What is your occupation? A moulder. Where do you live? 49, North Lane. Did you get any money at the last election? Yes. From whom? Charles Green. How much? 2s. he gave me. Was that for your vote? He might have thought so. There was me and two other men together and he was driving by in a carriage and he said he wanted to speak to me, and he caught hold of me to pull me in the carriage. Was that before you voted? Yes.
No. 50 1889 Mrs. Edward FAIRBRASS *1903 - Knight's Local Government Reports - Fairbrass v. Canterbury Corporation. Public Health Acts - Buildings - Bye-laws - Pulling down new building not in accordance with bye-laws - Public health act, 1875. October 27, 1902 (38 & 39 Vict. c. 55) ss. 157, 158, 306. The appellant commenced to erect the said new building without taking any of the steps required by the 29th bye-law, which is as ..."Take notice that the premises formerly used as a stable and..." To Mr. Edward Fairbrass of 50 North Lane, in the city of Canterbury.
No. 51 1889 Mrs. Susannah TAYLOR, Shoeing Smith
No. 52 1889 - 1890's Mrs. M. TOMLIN, Coal Dealer
No. 53 1880 Kelly & Co. Directory of the Leather Trades - 53 North lane & Pound Lane - H. HART 1885 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades - Harry STAGG, 53 North Lane and Pound Lane - listed under Bark Merchants, Fellmongers 1889 Henry STAGG John W. BUTTERY, Foreman Fellmonger
No. 54 1889 George DUNN, Fellmongers labourer No. 54a 1889 Joseph HINTON, Fly driver, son Charles is a Refreshment Room Assistant (Inn) 1890's Joseph HINTON jun. Fly Driver
No. 55 1889 Stephen MAY, Greengrocer 1890's Frederick COOK, Horse Keeper
No. 56 1889 - 1890's John JOHNCOCK, Iron Moulder (Johncock family baptisms in 1726/27 in Saint Dunstans)
No. 57 1889 Henry PAINE, Builder & Cabinet Maker 1947 *damages to 57 North Lane CCA
No. 58 1889 - 1890's Arthur LILLEY, Contractor 1903 Arthur LILLEY, Cartage Contractor, 58 North Lane
No. 59 1889 Daniel RIGDEN, Iron Moulder
No. 60 1889 Thomas LAWSON, Labourer
No. 61 1889 - 1890's Thomas KENNETT, Cabinet Maker *in 1825 one of the subscribers to "A walk in and about the city of Canterbury: was a Mr. Thomas Kennett of Canterbury * was a Thomas Kennett listed in the Register of St. Peter's in Canterbury Parliamentary Papers 1880 "....Did you know whether those voters got anything? I know Kennett never got anything, who went that day. That is Kennett the oilman, not he Kennett I was speaking of just now, that is Kennett the oilman living just above me in Northgate. Did you see him give money away on that day? No, I did not see him that day, I think. Or any day? No; I never saw anybody give money away, only Thomas Kennett. How much money did you take to Kennett? 20l. Not more? No." KENNETT - Death on the 6th Dec., at 61, North Lane, Canterbury, Mary Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas KENNETT, aged 73 (Kentish Observer, Thursdsay, Dec 20, 1894)
No. 62 1889 James MILLS, Gun Maker * James passed away 1890? wife Frances is a dressmaker
No. 63 1889 Alfred HORTON, Shopkeeper & Lodging House Keeper George EASTHAM, Army Pensioner, Manager (
No. 64 1889 - 90's William BENNETT, Haircutter / Hairdresser
"Uriah Heap's" mothers home in North Lane
No. 65 1889 Frank DAVIS, Bricklayer
No. 66 1889 - 90's Thomas PAGE, Plumber
No. 67 1889 Kennett, Son & Chamberlain, Upholsterers & Cabinet Makers Ernest KENNETT, Upholsterer & Auctioneer
1805-7 Robert WHITE, smith Alfred SABINE, baker Kevunulheller SKINNER, broker Emanuel LEVI, silversmith Abraham LEVI, slopseller Edward HOMERSHAM, carpenter Dan DECAUFOUR, woolstapler Catherine CHAPMAN, baker John CASTLEDEN, senior, cornchandler Thomas SLAUGHTER, tanner
1884 Gardner & Co. (James CLINCH, storekeeper), North lane (listed under - ale and porter merchants & bottlers)
© T. Machado