Located about 5 miles east of Canterbury

Some monumental inscriptions listed on the Kent Archaeological Society's site

St. Andrew's Church, Wickhambreaux


In 1638, John Smith, parson of Wickhambreaux, left an "annuity or yearly rent of five pounds, issuing out of two pieces of marsh land, containing ten acres, called Shereives Marsh in the parish of Wickhambreaux," "that help and means might not be wanting to such persons who were prisoners," either in the gaol of the city and county of Canterbury, or in the gaol of the county of Kent, kept in the parish of St. Dunstan. In St. Dunstan's gaol, and in the chuch of Holy Cross, Westgate, devine service was to be read, and sermons preached, four times a year, "to bring the prisoners to repentance, and to induce them, after their trials, to lead a better life." The money was to be divided thus; Ten shillings to the preacher each time; six pence to the gaoler each time; and two shillings to be divided between the prisoners each time. The property was vested in trustees, or feoffees, all of whom, excepting Sir Henry Oxinden, of Wingham, were deceased in 1680. This Sir Henry, by an indenture, which was intended to be enrolled in chancery, assigned it over to Sir James Oxinden of Dean, and eight others in trust only. When the Westgate and St. Dunstan's Gaols were closed, what became of John Smiths bequest?


1851 - population 517

Wickham-Breaux, or Wickham-Breux, a parish in the hundred of Downhamford, union of Bridge, lathe of St. Augustine, county of Kent' 5 miles east by north of Canterbury. Living, a rectory in the archd. and diocese of Canterbury; rated at £29 12s. 6d; gross income £1000. Patron in 1841, Captain G. H. D'Aeth. In 1833 there was here 1 daily school. Charities in 1835, £8 5s. besides a school house, dwelling-house and garden, bequeathed in 1656 by the Rev. John Smith, chiefly for educational purposes. Acres 1,710. Houses 93. A. P. £3 367. Population in 1801, 411; in 1831 486. Poor rates in 1838 £347 2s.


Wickhambreaux Old Manor House was the home of Joan of Kent, wife of Edward Plantagenet (The Black Prince), and mother to Richard II


Kentish books for Sale - The Gentlemens Magazine 1838

369 Wickham Breaux - Pegge's Observations on a Deed in Latin and Saxon of Odo Bishop of Baieux, respecting Trendly Park in Wickham Breaux (from the Archaeologia) 4to. 1s


From the Clergy list 1841 - Thomas W. Bennett, Curate of Wickhambreaux


Sales effected of Parish Property - Annual Report 1838

Bridge, Wickhambreaux, Kent, Amount produced by sale £327 0s, 0d., Sums directed to be appropriated by orders under seal £314 12s 9d. Towards defraying the cost of building the Union workhouse.


Marriages, Canterbury Cathedral

April 16, 1745, John Seath, of Wingham and Ann Beake, of Wickham Breaux, by Licence

July 15, 1789, William Clements of Wickhambreaux, a Batchelor, and Elizabeth Stoddard of the Precinct of this Church, a Spinster by Banns


William Belk, S. T. P. was installed prebendary of it in July, 1660. He was first rector of Wootton, afterwards Chilham, and then Wickhambreaux, in this county. He died on August 12, 1676, aet. 74, and was buried in the lower south cross of this cathedral, where his gravestone still remains, and this inscription: Hic jacet GULIELMUS BELK, S. T. P. canonicus bujus ecclefiae uxorem habuit Elizabetham Thomae Hardress de Hardress, in comitatu Cantiano, equitis filiam obiit 12 die Augusti, Anno Domini 1676, etatis fuae 74.


1873 - Acres 2, 310, population 490.


Charters - From a guide by the British Library Dept. of Manuscripts - 1887

2. Grant by King Eadred to Aelfwyn, a nun, of six "mansae," or in the Kentish tongue "syx sulunga," of land at Wicham [Wickham Breaux, co. Kent], for two pounds of the purest gold. Dated A.D. 948. Latin, with the boundaries of the land in Anglo-Saxon. Witnessed by King Eadred, Eadgifu his mother, Oda, Archbishop of Canterbury, Wulfstan, Archbishop of Yor, and others [Stowe Ch. 25]


343 Wickham Breaux. "Here is a chruch and a priest &c. - here is a park - Ibi aeccla et unus presbyter, qui dat, &c. - ibi unus parcus." (D.B.) - Brass: Henry Welde, rector, 1420 (Hasted)


"We are inclined to attribute these sermons to the Rev. William Belke, S.T.P. born in 1602, the son of John Belke, Esq. of Sheldwick in Kent. He was Rector of Wootton in 1641, afterwards of Chilham, and then of Wickham Breaux, all in Kent. At the Restoration he was appointed a Canon in the Third Prebend in Canterbury Cathedral. He died on August 12, 1676, aged seventy four and was buried in the lower south cross of this cathedral, where his gravestone still remains with this inscription; (see above)....Hasteds Kent , iv. 609)


"Our Kentish readers will readily pardon the length of this extract from Froissart, as recording the noble and chivalrous bearing of one of our own most distinguished Earls. This Sir Thomas Holland was husband of "the fair Maid of Kent," Joan Plantagenet, daughter of Edmund of Woodstock, Earl of Kent, the sixth son of Edward I. In her right (as sister and heir to her brother John Plantagenet) our "gentil chevalier" became Earl of Kent. He was likewise lord of the manors of Dartford and Wickham Breaux, and of the hundred of Littlefield in this county." A.C. 1858


Parliamentary Papers

The humble Petition of the Members of the Grove Ferry Farmers' Club, in the parish of Wickham-breaux, in the eastern part of the county of Kent, and deeply interested in protection to agriculture, Sheweth,

That your Petitioners, who are occupiers of land to a considerable extent, view with much alarm and indignation the efforts which are making to procurer the repeal of the present corn laws.

That it is the opinion of this society that no more protection is afforded by these laws than is sufficient to enable the agriculturist to meet the heavy burthens with which the land is made chargeable, and that if the present protective duties be removed it will be absolutely necessary, as an act of common justice, to release the agriculturist from the heavy burthens of the tithe rent-charge, the poor rates, the highway rates, the county rate, and the malt tax.

That your Petitioners consider there is nothing peculiar in the circumstances of the country at present to justify the repeal or temporary suspension of these laws; that the average ... which regulates the duty, is scarcely that which your honourable House minimum in the late alteration.. laws, and since which the prices have been steady and moderate.

That your Petitioners beg to press most particularly upon your honourable House that it is their firm belief that the reports of a deficient harvest are fallacious and mischievous, and that a scarcity of food will not exist between this and another harvest; nor do they consider that the prices of corn will range above that which is sufficiently remunerative to the producer, or above that which the industrious classes can afford and will be content to pay-unless deluded by the gross misrepresentations of the Anti-Corn Law League, that free trade and foreign competition will be more beneficial than a well organised system of protection to native industry, under which the British empire has so long flourished.

Wherefore your Petitioners humbly pray your honourable House to uphold that protection so essential to the well doing of all classes of her Majesty's subjects.

And your Petitioners, as in duty bound will every pray.

Hos. Henry Bing, Chairman (January 22-29, 1846)



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