~ STOUR STREET ~ Hethenman Lane CANTERBURY Up until c1880 Stour Street did not include Lamb Lane Map detail of Stour Street 1843, showing Lamb Lane (which is now Stour street also) and the Work House (Poor Priests Hospital)
St. Mildred's situated at the end of Stour street, is the largest and one of the most ancient churches in the city, parts of it having been erected it is supposed in the eighth century; it shared in the general conflagration from which a large part of Canterbury suffered severely in 1246; and in 1512 the southern chancel or chantry was rebuilt by Thomas ATWOOD, a resident in Stour Street, three times mayor of the city.
The view down Stour Street from High Street
Feb. 2 - A considerable thaw took place in the country, and around the metropolis, which occasioned the most serious consequences in many places. Bridges were broken down, and the roads in various parts rendered impassible. In consequence of the rapid melting of the snow, which commenced on Monday evening, a great number of houses in Canterbury were overflowed, and the furniture in many materially damaged. The thaw continuing all Tuesday, and the greatest part of Wednesday, occasioned the river Stour to spread its waters to a greater depth and extent than at any time since the year 1776, over all the adjoining low lands from Ashford to Sandwich haven. At noon on Wednesday, the flood increased so rapidly, that many houses in Stour Street, Beer cart lane, Lamb lane, Bests Lane, St. Radegund's bath, Pound Lane, part of St. Peter's, Cocklane, St. Dunstan's, and North Lane, had their ground floors laid under water, those nearest the river several feet deep. The inhabitants were obliged to betake themselves to their chambers for safety, and some families to leave their habitations. In the afternoon it again began to freeze, which probably in some measure checked the supplies of the torrent, and lessened its rapidity; and between ten and eleven at night the waters were perceived to subside, and in the morning marked their progress, by leaving the streets covered with broad and broken sheets of ice. TSMFeb1795
The St. Mildred Slums Again Councillor Horsley, referring to the Medical Officer's annual report, said he observed there was a reference to the shelving of the proposal that had been made to pull down certain passages in Stour Street and compensate the owners of the property. The Medical Officer expressed the hope that the Council would not lose sight of this matter, and he (Councillor Horsley) fully agreed with him, hoping it would not be permanently shelved. The Medical Officer had stated that there were 75 houses containing 101 inhabitants which were unfit for habitation and chronically bad, and several members of the Council, amongst whom were the Mayor and Alderman Hart, agreed that it was necessary to take immediate action; whilst remarks fell from the Aldermanic bench to the effect that the present state of the buildings was cruel to the occupiers. The feeling amongst many of the Council was that the fact of there being other instances of insanitary dwellings in Canterbury should be no bar to attacking this case which had been reported upon regularly by the officials. The Medical Officer's report had been referred back and it was understood that he would present another report. No other special report had yet been received but here was the hope expressed that the matter would not be lost sight of , and he (Councillor Horsley) gave notice of motion on the subject, to be placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting. Councillor Harris said he questioned whether this was admissible, seeing that the matter had been already dealt with by the Council and the Committee. He believed the owner had put this particular passage in considerable repair, and he thought the matter should lay in abeyance for some time. It was known that the Medical Officer withdrew his report because it was too strong, and if the property had been put into repair it was not necessary to re-open the question, as the Council had plenty to do already. The MAYOR pointed out that he visited the property and was quite of the Medical Officer's opinion that it was a disgrace to allow people to live there. In fact at that time he gave private advice to the owners that the property would, probably, be pulled down, and it would, therefore, not be advisable for them to spend money on it. As to giving them compensation for allowing insanitary dwellings, that was against all reason. Why should the Council compensate persons for violating the law? If a person put up an insanitary dwelling for his own profit the law should be enforced and they should be pulled down or the nuisance abated. The Sanitary Inspector, in reply to the Mayor, said the owner of Fortune's Passage had proceeded with certain works, but the owner of Fowler's passage had done nothing and the property was in a most insanitary condition, as it was now worse than ever. Housden's passage was, virtually, closed; nothing had been done and it was impossible to make them good. Councillor HORSLEY said he did not think discussion should take place now as he had only given notice of motion. The MAYOR asked the Inspector to prepare an up-to-date report on the property, but Mr. RICHARDSON said that under the Act, this was a duty of the Medical Officer and the Surveyor. Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press, Friday for Saturday, May 16, 1896
Old house in St. Mildred's from Domestic Architecture The old framed house (tudor) was still there
in 1888 but was badly damaged in 1894 fire. 26/50 Stour St. I thought
it was connected to Delasaux family. However in 1841C it was home
of Thomas Hawkins who is recorded as a grocer in 1838 Dir. At 1851C
George Theobald was there, also grocer (his brother William, a tanner
lived at 25/49). At 1881C and 1891C it was home of James Ayling, tanner.
Old map showing Stour Street
High Street to Church Street, St. Mildreds No. 1 Death May 25th, 1854 of Miss Delasaux at Canterbury, aged 68. 1854 "Death, March 10th, at Canterbury, aged 54, Elizabeth Delasaux, wife of T. T. Delasaux, esq. Coroner." The Gentlemen's Magazine 1855 (wife of Thomas Thorpe) Thomas Thorpe Delasaux, Law Attorney ^ *Attorneys to be admitted - "The Legal Observer, 1835" - Richard COOK, Herne Bay, Articled to Thomas Thorpe Delasaux, Canterbury **1843 Thomas Thorpe De Lasaux, coroner for Kent and Canterbury & clerk to commission of pavement of Herne Bay, and clerk to commission of land and assessed taxes for city of Canterbury (no address listed) *christening of a Jane De Lasaux to Thomas Thorpe De Lasaux and Elizabeth, April 18, 1832 in Canterbury. An Ann Stock Delasaux on June 23, 1830, Canterbury, Elizabeth Jane Delasaux on July 14, 1819, and Mary Anne Augusta Delasaux on November 21, 1820, Canterbury. Thomas Thorpe De Lasaux died in 1884 in Canterbury *September 24th, 1870 - The Surveyorship to Canterbury Local Board. At the ordinary borough meeting on the 19th inst., the Board considered the question of filling up the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Batt as surveyor to the Board. The Chairman said there were no less than 38 candidates for the office, and as much time would be occupied in reading their applications and testimonials, he suggested that a Committee should be appointed to consider the applications and select six or eight as most fitted for the office, and that an adjourned meeting of the Board should be held, at which the appointment should be made. Those selected could be requested to attend that meeting. At the request of the Board the clerk then read the names of the candidates as follows:...W. D. Salisbury, Tenterden; ....J. H. Smith, Maidstone; Jacob Batch, Sittingbourne; W. McNab Soul, Margate; Thomas Ashenden, Canterbury; ......It was ultimately agreed that the Survey and Finance Committee should meet and select six candidates for the office, and request those six to be in attendance at an adjourned meeting of the Board, to be held on the 27th inst., when the election will be proceeded with. The Architect 1889 Thomas Ashenden Thomas Ashenden, Farmer, Surveyor and Land Agent, District Manager of the Kent Fire Offices ( *I saw a coloured lithograph up for action by a Thomas Ashenden "General view of the City of Canterbury, taken from Scotland Hills" Fred. P. GILMORE, Manager of an Insurance Company ) 1917 Kent & Royal Insurance Company
No. 2 Back entrance to the Post Office William Down, Cast Iron Model Maker ^ ----- ) 1917 G. P.O. Sorting Room and Engineers Stores
No. 3 Henry Taylor, Accountant % Charlotte Hirst ^ 1889 Mrs. G. Joy George L. Joy, Commercial Traveller ( ---- ) 1903 William Joseph Benge, Hair Dresser *married 1896
No. 3a 1903 Frederick Charles Alexander, Supervisor of Inland Revenue
No. 4 Stephen BEST, Tailor ^ 1882 Horatio WARD 1889 A. NEAME, Soap Manufacturer Susannah JACKSON (w) Boarding House ) 1903 Mrs. Susannah Jackson, Apartments
No. 5 Jane BEASLEY, Dyer % *see No 22 Stour Street below Sarah A. PENNY ^ 1889 Thomas DAVEY ---- ) 1917 C. GOLDFARB, Tailor
No. 6 William GRIGGS, Baker % 1889 Miss L. CULLEN Jacob COHEN, Tailor ) 1917 Jacob COHEN, Tailor
No. 6a Richard FORWOOD, Florist - FRANCISCAN COTTAGE ) 1917 Franciscan Cottage Franciscan Gardens. W. R. PIERCE, Florist
No. 7 William GRIGGS, Baker % James FAIR & 1889 - 1890's George MOUNT, Coachman 1917 Mrs. TOURNAY
Spratts Square (local name Godly Alley, demolished in 1938*) *thanks to Paul Crampton for this information
No. 8 Edward COWELL, Practical Brewer % Fanny Featherstone & 1889 N. PRATT 1917 Mrs. MANSELL
No. 9 Thomas Langstaff & 1889 Mrs. Wilsden, Dressmaker 1917 John HOLMES
No. 10
No. 11
No. 12 William Henry COLE, Manager of a Grocers Shop ( 1903 Charles HARDIMAN, Shopkeeper 1917 William HARDIMAN, General Shop
No. 13 John E. WILTSHIRE, Builders Clerk ^ Mrs. HOMER 1917 R. J. HODGMAN
No. 14 Price B. HALLOWES, Surgeon of the Royal College of Surgeons England ^ Mrs. WHITE 1917 Mrs. TUBB Stour Street Brewery, Canterbury. Picture submitted by a frequent visitor to the site, thank you "The Brewery Premises were purchased by our ancestor, Mr. Rest Fenner the elder, June 13, 1719. In 1780 Mr. Thomas Flint became co-partner with his brother in law Mr. Thomas Fenner, who in 1801 retired from the concern; it continued in our family till January 6, 1850, when the entire property was disposed of. Connected with the Brewery were thirty-three Freehold, bestden Leasehold estates."
No. 15 William FOORD, Lime Burner ^ S. J. SANDY 1917 Miss COULTHAM
No. 16
No. 17 17 Stour Street (The Monarch Inn) to Let * 1889 J. H. Payne, Accountant and Auditor, Schlencher's provision stores Henry Danby, Florist & Nurseryman ( 1903 Soldiers' Home, Miss Buchanan, Superintendent, 17 Stour Street 1917 Richard SPICKETT
No. 18 December 20, 1894 - Shaxby Bros., 18 Stour Street, Canterbury and 16 New St. Ashford. Wines and Spirits. Of the best brands in the Market, and at very reasonable prices. Ales, Stout, &c., in Cask. Also in bottle, corked, screw or seal stoppered, in brilliant condition. Dec., 1896 -SHAXBY BROS., 18, Stour Street, Canterbury, & 16, New Street, Ashford, Hold a varied stock of Wines & Spirits of the best brands in the market, at very reasonable prices Bottled ale, Stout, &c., in brilliant condition, supplied in corked, seal and screw-stoppered bottles. Soda, Potass, Lithia and Seltzer Waters, Ginger Ale, Lemonade, Orangeade, and Ginger Beer at Store Prices. Manufactured under personal supervision from Artesian Well Water. 1889 R. Fuller Strant, Steam Laundry Henry Shaxby, Aerated Water Manufacturer ) 1903 Shaxby Brothers, wine, spirit, ale & stout merchants & mineral water manufacturers 1917 A. LENEY & Co. (ltd.) Phoenix Brewery and Direct Supply Table Waters
No. 19 (on the Stour Side) 1882 Zachariah Winslep DAVEY, Cowkeeper 1889 Winsley Z. Davey, Dairyman Fanny McClory, Seller of Milk ) 1903 Mrs. Fanny McClory, Greengrocer 1917 H. A. SMITH, Greengrocer
No. 20 1847 Mr. James VIDGEN, 20 Stour Street Eliza WILTSHIRE, Grocer ^ 1865 Poll for two knights of the shire..."name of voter and residence" William WELBY, 20 Stour Street, Canterbury, listed under parish of Stelling Minnis (it is the parish of qualification) 1642, D. three candidates: Sir Edward Cholmeley Dering, Bart. - Sir Brook William Bridges, Bart. - Sir Norton Joseph Knatchbull, Bart. George BROTHERS, Brewers Clerk & 1889 Frederick ROSE, Senior 1903 Rose & Son, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, Carpenters, Furniture Removers and Dealers, Undertakers, House Agents & Valuers, 20, Stour Street, Canterbury. New and Secondhand Furniture bought and sold or exchanged. Furniture Removed to any distance on Moderate Terms. 1917 John JANNELS / Walter DUNN, Agricultural Engineer
Crier's Square
No. 21 1840 Mr. William SIMMONDS, 21 Stour Street William G. SWAIN, Baker ^ Edward HADLEY, Bricklayer & 1889 Rose and Son, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers 1917 F. H. BROWNE and Sons, Organ builders 1922 F. H. Browne & Sons, Organ Builders, Established 1871. Staff of Experienced tuners regularly travel all parts of the country. Address 21, Stour Street, Canterbury. 1925 F. H. Browne & Sons, Organ Builders, Established 1871 (living in Deal, Kent in 1891 - Frederick H. Browne, c. 1849 Organ builder, born Canterbury) *wife Eliza
No. 22 (on the Stour Side) ROYAL EXCHANGE INN ^ July 15th, 1865 Henry FRYER, 22 Stour Street (No. 1552) Poll for the two knights of the shire, voted B & K (parish of qualification - Saint Mary Bredin) Henry FRYER, Master Carpenter & 1882 Beasley & Son, Dyers, Sun street and 22, 23 & 24 Stour Street 1889 Rose and Son, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers Henry BEASLEY, Dyer & Cleaner ) 22, 23, 24 - 1917 E. Beasley and Son, Art Dyers, Dry Cleaners, etc. and at Margate 1925 E. Beasley & Son (H. Beasley, T. McCallum), 2 minutes from G. P.O., the only local Dye Works, established 1806
No. 23 1860 AD - The Steam Dyeing Establishment. Mrs. Beasley, Dyer, Bleacher, and Shawl Cleaner, Stour Street, Canterbury, and 39, High Street, Ramsgate. Muslin and other Curtains Bleached and finished in superior style, from 2s. 3d. to 4s. per pair. Chintzes Cleaned and Calendered whole. Damasks and Fringes Dyed at reduced prices. Velvets Dyed and Pile raised by gas. IMPORTANT. Printed Shawls, Gentlemen's Clothes, &c. all Woollens Dyed Black, warranted not to rub off. Silks Dyed by a new process to hide the pattern and keep the lustre. Mourning orders promptly executed. Carriage of Parcels defrayed one way. Prices lists on application.- (John Brent) John Hugman, Master Tanner & 1882 Beasley & Son, Dyers, Sun street and 22, 23 & 24 Stour Street 1889 Beasley and Son Dyers Henry Beasley, Dyer & Cleaner ) 1925 E. Beasley & Son (H. Beasley, T. McCallum), 2 minutes from G. P.O., the only local Dye Works, established 1806
Poor Priests Hospital, the old Workhouse and Blue Coat Boys School (Now no. 21a) POLICE STATION - STOUR STREET % BLUE COAT SCHOOL, STOUR STREET *1860 - POOR PRIESTS HOSPITAL It is situate in Saint Margaret's parish, and now forms the school room and dormitories of the Blue Coat Scholars, and the residence of the Master. Another portion of the premises has been fitted up as a Police Station and as a residence for the Superintendent.
Water Lane which runs down to the river (Beer Cart Lane is across the way) House in Tan Yard (Stour Street) - John Blaker, Carter &
No. 24 John T. FINN, labourer & 1882 Beasley & Son, Dyers, Sun street and 22, 23 & 24 Stour Street 1889 BEASLEY and Son Dyers Henry BEASLEY, Dyer & Cleaner ) 1925 E. Beasley & Son (H. Beasley, T. McCallum), 2 minutes from G. P.O., the only local Dye Works, established 1806
No. 25 John HUGMAN, Tanner ^ Amelia AUSTIN & 1889 Thomas GOWER, Bricklayer 1889 25a J. REEVES, Furniture Warehouse 1911-1917 G. HUBBARD, wholesale confectioners
No. 25a
No. 26 (On the Stour side) "TWO BREWERS" Insolvent Debtors - 1830 - William Jennings, late of the Two Brewers public house, Stour Street, Canterbury, Kent, publican and bricklayer. (Wednesday, Feb 24 at 9) John McLaughlin, Carpenter ^ Daniel CRAMP, Portable Engine Driver & 1889 dir. "TWO BREWERS INN", E. SHERSBY 1891 dir. "TWO BREWERS", Edwin Shersby Edwin SHERSBY, Publican )!!
^ William WELBY, High Bailiff of the County Court, with wife Ann and children, Alice L., Ellen A., Kate M., Rose E., William A., Martha A., Winifred Welby (visiting) and a housemaid Ellen Welby (born
1852) Ellen was in London in the early 1900's living at Grey Coat Gardens with her sister Rose E. Welby. 1881 - The private house (now No. 27) adjoinings
the "Two Brothers" public house 1882 Henry ISTEED, Corn Chandler John LOCK, Tanners Labourer ( 1917 W. H. EASTMAN
No. 28 (No. 52) Amelia AUSTIN, Dressmaker ^ 1880's George SIMMONDS, General Labourer unemployed* was a witness at the wedding of Francis Breauton Thompson and Eliza Jane TERRY on March 4, 1877 1889 W. G. TUNBRIDGE Walter TUNBRIDGE, Tanner's labourer ( 1917 Henry Charles WOOD
No. 29 Stanley WILLIAMS, Tanners Journeyman ^ 1889 George MILLS, Labourer Stephen MANN, butcher ( 1917 Frederick NICHOLLS
No. 30 Frederick DULY, Accountant ( 1917 Frederick ROBBINS
STOUR VILLE (at 30 Stour Street) No. 1 Elizabeth FOWLER ( No. 2 David F. HOLDEN Albert MINTER ( No. 3 William WARNER ( No. 4 No. 5 William Charles BAILEY William SAMSON (
No. 31 Henry FILMER, Gardener & Sexton ^ William Covington, Royal Engineers, Sapper * Frederick STREET, Printer ( 1917 George DAVISON
No. 32 Alfred CARDY, Brewer, Maltman * Simon CROUCHER (
No. 33 James FOX, Tanners Journeyman ^ Richard SWAIN, Baker *
No. 34 James LONGLEY (
No. 35 Alfred POTTS (
No. 36 John HUNT, Shopman ^ Thomas L. LADD, Labourer * 1882 Thomas LADD, Greengrocer *death of Thomas Ladd 1889 in Canterbury (age 62) 1889 Mrs. LADD, Shopkeeper 1903 Mrs. Eliza PARKER, Shopkeeper 1917 A. H. PARKER, General Shop
No. 37 James BADCOCK, Plumber & Painter ^ 1880 Frederick FILMER, Tanner 1889 I. T. TWYMAN, Chimney Sweep Elizabeth LONDON (1917 No number 37 listed
Fowlers Passage / Houseden's Passage
No. 38 Thomas T. DELASAUX (b. 1797), Attorney & Henry SMITH, Bricklayer * 1889 Henry SMITH, Shopkeeper and Bricklayer Henry SMITH (
No. 39 James DINTON, Builder & Daniel BAKER * Mary BAKER (
No. 40 John PEIRCE, Brewers Servant % John KEMP, Labourer * 1882 John KEMP, Shopkeeper 1889 Henry BAKER Alice LADD ( Alfred Jackson of 2 Ralph Villas Staines Road Hounslow Middlesex: for non compliance with an order issued dated 20 Oct. 1899 by Henry Fielding, Urban Sanitary Authority Canterbury Council. In which he was ordered to take down number 40 Stour Street Canterbury, a building in a ruinous state and dangerous to people and neighbouring buildings. Section 75 Towns Improvement and Clauses Act 1847. He was ordered to take down the building by 4 Dec 1899 or the Council will do it. Jackson to pay 9s/6d costs, and if in default of payment the defendant's goods to be sold or to be imprisoned for 7 days in HMP St. Augustine's Canterbury. Documents include a letter from a City Police Officer to Alfred Jackson asking him to acknowledge the receipt of the order. 1917 No number 40 listed
No. 41 William RYE, Grocer * 1882 May INGE, Grocer, 21 Borough, Staplegate, 41 Stour Street and 31 Northgate Street 1889 W. J. PARKER, Coal Dealer William J. PARKER, general shop ( 1903 John FORTUNE, Shop keeper 1917 No number 41 listed
Fortune's Passage (this passage ran down to the river) In 1826 Pigot Dir. 19 Stour Street is John Fortune's bakery. Subsequently in 1838 Dir and 1841C it is John Watkins's bakery. In 1840s it became Swain's bakery and in fact later in century Fortune's Passage seems to have also been known as Swain's Passage. (Courtesy of a frequent visitor to the site)
The Old SWAIN Bakery, Stour Street and Edmund Road (now St. Edmunds Road) Where you see all the new brick there used to be lovely big glass windows No. 42 * A photo of the front of the shop in Canterbury A second selection by Derek Butler Thomas GIBBS, Baker ^ William G. SWAIN, Baker * 1889 R. M. SWAIN, Baker Richard SWAIN ( 1903 Richard Mark SWAIN, Baker 1917 H. M. SWAIN, Baker In 1915 this shop was demolished to allow for the building of St. Edmunds Road, but was rebuilt, the new building is still there today
No. 43 (old numbering no. 20) Albert PRETT, Upholster % "CITY OF LONDON" ^ Edwin STEVENS, Labourer ^ 1881 "ROYAL EXCHANGE" George OWEN 1889 "ROYAL EXCHANGE INN" J. SWANNELL Joseph SWANNELL ( 1917 ROYAL EXCHANGE
Grey Friars Road
No. 44 George Kilmer, Licensed Victualer "CITY OF LONDON" % James ROBINS, Bricklayer ^ 1882 George BROTHERS 1889 May INGE, Grocer *photographs & notes on the Inge family (see John Bateman - photographer, plus other photographers) An unnamed photograph from May & Amelia Inge's album supplied by a descendant. Some of the photographs may date back to the 1860s. May Inge was a grocer in Canterbury and a Bible thumping Methodist lay preacher. Amelia was John Hobday's daughter. John Hobday was a businessman of many trades. In 1882 an advert described him as a "Cabinet Maker, Upholster, Auctioneer, Appraiser, House Agent, House Decorator, Undertaker, &c., 60 & 61 Palace Street, Canterbury. Contractor for Removal of Furniture in Pantechnicon Vans, by Road or Rail." John BROWN, Grocers Assistant ( 1903 John BROWN, Grocer 1917 John PARRY
No. 45 Thomas FORD, Lamp Lighter % John C. ADAMS, Cabinet Maker * Thomas PHILLIPS ( 1917 William HACKMAN
No. 46 John RAYNER, Labourer % Edward SOUTHEE, Labourer * John GOWER ( 1917 E. H. CARDY
Part of the old St. Mildred's Tannery in Stour Street (bounded to the north-west by the Stour, to the east and west by residential properties and to the south by Stour Street) The site was occupied by the Tannery from the 18th Century 1885 J. J. Williamson & Sons, 5 Sun Street, Canterbury; Tanyards, St. Peter's Friars & St. Mildred's Canterbury (Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades) The business formerly carried on by Messrs.
Farrer & Co. St. Mildred's Tanner, Canterbury, has been purchased
by, and will henceforth be carried on by, Messrs. J. J. Williamson
& Son, cojointly with their other yards. The Furniture Gazette,
Oct. 18, 1879 (1879 St Mildreds Tannery, 47 Stour St. **1879
(land south of river Stour only) bought by
Construction at the Old Tannery, 2009 & 2011
No. 47 Richard CAIRTER, Journeyman Carpenter % 1878 Post Office Directory - H. L. FARRER, Tanner, listed at 47 Stour St *thanks to S.W. for this note October 18, 1879 - The Furniture Gazette - The Business formerly carried on by Messrs. Farrer & Co., St. Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury has been purchased by and will henceforth be carried on by, Messrs. J. J. Williamson & Son, conjointly with their other yards. 1885 J. J. Williamson and Sons, 5 Sun St. Canterbury; tanyards, S. Peter's Friars & St. Mildred's Canterbury - Kellys Directory of Leather Trades *Henry Collinson. Are you employed at Williamson's Tannery? Yes. ...Did you get any money yourself? Yes. From whom? Thomas Fowler. How much did he give you? 7l. What was it for? It was to give to the men in the tan yards. Did you keep any yourself? Yes. How much did you keep for yourself? A pound. ....How many people work at the Tannery? I do not know. There are only 12 men that work at our trade. How many people altogether are there working at the tannery? I do not know how many altogether. There are two or three trades. Did you ask Thomas Davey for money? No. ...How came Fowler to give you this money? I do not know. He came to my house. He said "how many ovters are there? I said "six or seven", and he said "Take this money and pay them a pound a piece." Did he come to you? Yes. He came to your house? Yes. Had you known him before? Oh, yes! I had worked for him before I went into the tannery. Who were the other people you were to give the money to? James Pattison, John Hogben, Joseph Hills, Perry. 1889 Williamson & Son, Tanners William HILLS, Tanner ( 1903 J. J. Williamson & Sons, Tanners & Curriers, St. Mildreds Tannery 1917 No. 47 - 52, J. J. WILLIAMSON and Sons, Tanners 1943...Trades Chemists members are asked to address all communications to Mr. G. H. W. Humphreys, c/o Messrs. J. J. Williamson & Sons (Canterbury) Ltd. St. Mildreds Tannery, Canterbury, Kent, who has agreed to act as honorary secretary on the resignation of Mr. A. Harvery. The chemical age *Write up in the Architects' Journal 2004 (page 14) No. 48 Richard MOUNT, Porter % Andrew PATTERSON, Carter * 1889 J. GEORGE 1917 No. 47 - 52, J. J. WILLIAMSON and Sons, Tanners
No. 49 James WATSON, Tailor % 1882 Mrs. Amelia AUSTIN, Dress Maker 1889 Mrs. AUSTEN, Dressmaker Amelia AUSTEN ( 1917 No. 47 - 52, J. J. WILLIAMSON and Sons, Tanners
No. 50 Thomas H. Harris, Bricklayers Labourer % James AYLING, Tanner * James AYLING, Tanner ( 1917 No. 47 - 52, J. J. WILLIAMSON and Sons, Tanners
Old house in Stour Street, a drawing from Felix Summerly c. 1843
No. 51 Sarah FILMAR * William FILMER, works for the Gas & Water Company ( 1917 No. 47 - 52, J. J. WILLIAMSON and Sons, Tanners
Church Street Rosemary Lane Delasaux Square
No. 52 1882 James Fison JAMES, Baker 1917 No. 47 - 52, J. J. WILLIAMSON and Sons, Tanners
1917 Right from Rosemary Lane
No. 53 Godfrey CHARLES, Lime Burner * 1889 James BROWN
No. 54 Rachel SMITH ( Thomas SMITH (
No. 55 Joseph GEORGE, Tanner * Walter SOUTH, Tanner * Andrew PATERSON, Tanners labourer ( 1917 George MUMMERY
No. 56 Henry HARVEY, Iron moulder ( 1917 George WOOD
No. 57
No. 58 Robert HAYWARD, Soap Maker * Henry DUNBY, Leather Dresser ( 1917 Benjamin MORLEY
No. 59 George E. GILES, Tanners Labourer * 1889 George Edward GILES, Tanner and Shopkeeper George GILES, Tanner ( 1903 George Edward GILES, Greengrocer 1917 Mrs. GILES
No. 60 George CROW, Carpenter * 1882 George CROW, Carpenter 1917 Walter SOUTH
No. 61 Thomas PAGE, Plumber * Thomas PAGE ( 1917 Alfred J. SMITH
No. 62 William J. SWAIN, Baker * William J. SWAIN, Baker ( 1917 James BAKER
No. 62a Thomas ROGERS, Tanners' Manager * 1889 T. ROGERS, Tanners' Manager Thomas ROGERS, Tanners Manager ( 1917 Charles TURNBULL
Criers Lane Hospital Lane 1889, 1917
No. 63 John DAVISON ( 1917 Mrs. PAUL
No. 64 William PAYN, Stone Mason (
No. 65 John HOGBEN, Tanners Labourer (
No. 66 William FINN, Tailor * Thomas BARRETT ( Dec 1901 Mary BARWICK, domestic servant of the Sun Hotel, (Charles Henry Longhurst Marsh, victualler of the Sun Hotel) 1917 Thomas BARWICK
No. 67 Henry CLARK, Steam Traction Engine Driver * Phoebe G. HODJEMAN ( 1917 Daniel COLEY
No. 68 William H. CROWHURST, Veterinary Surgeon M.R.C.V. S.L. William Henry Crowhurst of 68 Stour Street, Canterbury - eleceted member of the Royal England Agricultural Society May 7th, 1879 (British Farmers Magazine) 1903 Joseph H. Higgins, lay clerk to the Cathedral 1917 Huges and Drake BALDWIN (ltd.) Egg Importers
No. 69 Thomas KNIGHT, Tractor Engine Driver
Fortune's Passage?
No. 70 1889 Douglas Collard & Co. Timber and Corn Stores 1917 Thomas CURTIS
Beer Cart Lane
No. 71 Thomas FULLER, Road Worker ) 1903 Thomas FULLER, Shopkeeper 1911-1917 Miss FULLER, General Shop
No. 72 (damaged in the blitz & torn down) "Nos. 72 & 73 Stour Street and the narrow entrance to Blue Coat Boys Yard (these were opposite the Poor Priest's). C 1940. They were badly damaged in the June 1942 blitz and pulled down shortly afterwards." Paul Crampton photo courtesy of Paul Crampton www.paulcramptonbooks.co.uk/ 1889 Thomas FULLER, Sweetshop J. SHEPARD, Bootmaker Thomas RIGDEN, Bricklayers Labourer ) 1911-1917 William COLLINES
Blue Boy's Cottages (Blue Coat Boys Passage)
No. 73 (damaged in the blitz) WHEATLEY !! 1917 Mrs. L. WESTFIELD
Hawkes Lane 1917 Hawks Lane and Stour Street 2011
No. 74 1889 dir. "CITY OF LONDON INN", Henry Best 1903 James EDWARDS, Boot Maker BLUNDELL !!
No. 75 (not on the river side) 1889 dir. "CITY OF LONDON INN", Henry Best Stephen BLUNDELL, Publican ) 1903 Stephen BLUNDELL, Beer Retailer BLUNDELL !!
Wiltshire Builder (the sign is still visible) Above is part of the timber roof in the old Wiltshire building, now 'Chromos', thanks to Ray for this photo No. 76 1889 dir. Thomas HARRIS, Carter 1889 John Edward WILTSHIRE, Builder and Stone Mason Henry CRIPPEN, Bricklayers Labourer ) 1903 - John Edward WILTSHIRE, Builder & Surveyor, Stour Street 1911-1917 Henry CRIPPEN
Jewery Lane
No. 77 1889 dir. E WILLIAMS, Plumber & Decorator
No. 78 1917 No. 78 FREEMAN, HARDY and WILLIS, Boot repairing factory; S. Embry, manager
No. 79 1882 Fred HILLS, house, sign and facia writer, grainer, gilder, decorator &c. venetian blind maker, glass cutter & writer &c. 1889 dir. E WILLIAMS, Plumber & Decorator December 26, 1896 - Henry MILLER, Builder, Plumber, Gas-Fitter & Decorator, 79, Stour Street Canterbury. Estimates given for all kinds of plumbing, decorating, sign-writing, etc. Latest sanitary improvements carried out. Plans and specifications prepared. 1903 Henry MILLER, Builder & Plumber
No. 80 Robert BUTCHER, Groom ( 1917 George BEER
No. 81 1889 dir. Mead & Co. Wool Merchants Kennett, Son & Chamberlain, Auction Rooms
No. 82 1882 "PRINCE ALBERT", Thomas Atkins 1889 dir. Thomas ATKINS "PRINCE ALBERT INN" Edward S. NARRINGTON, Prince Albert Inn ) 1917 PRINCE ALBERT
No. 83 1889 dir. Charles UDEN, Fruit and Potato Merchant *bankrupt list July 14, 1888 - William UDEN, late wholesale potato and fruit merchant, 7 Burgate lane, late 3 Kings Bridge, Canterbury, Ct. Canterbury. Order June 30. (Gazette, July 3, 1888) 1917 No number 83 listed -----------------------------------------------------------------
1580. Ware-lane, leading from Stour-street to Castle-street, in Saint Mildred's, is sold, and afterwards built upon. HT
1805-7 William ADAMS, plasterer Samuel ARNOLD, grocer William BILLYEALD, white smith William CARTER, M.D. Thomas and John COOPER, tanners Thomas FLINT, brewer Edward HAMBROOK, currier William MEERS, carpenter Mary THORNTON, baker
J. T. Smith (D. W. Smith) Nurseryman and Florist. Bedding Plants. Pot Plants. Wreaths and Crosses Made to Order. Franciscan Gardens, Stour Street, Canterbury. Telephone 62804 c. 1960's 1817 - death of Mrs. Sarah Dering, 94 in Stour Street MM 1832 - James Wright, ROYAL EXCHANGE Stour Street 1828-29 Messrs. FLINT, Stour Street (Brewers) 1832 - Thomas & Priscilla Flint - BREWERS Stour Street
"Walls, however, hardly massive enough for Roman masonry, were found extending down part of Stour Street, bordering on the river, with a cross wall in one place. In Lamb Lane, just before we enter Stour Street, some wooden piles, lying nine feet deep were noticed." COT
1824 Henry BEASLEY, Stour Street - Listed under Dyers Flint READ & Co., Stour Street - Listed under Brewers William DENTON (& slater), Stour Street - Listed under Bricklayers
1830 Poll book 1830 Poll of the Electors for members of parliament to represent the city of Canterbury William GUTSOLE, Stour Street, Brawn Merchant James DAWES, Stour Street, Labourer Henry COOPER, Stour Street, Tanner Henry Cooper, Esq. Alderman and J. P. Canterbury - Subscriber to "Consuetudines Kanciae" by Charles Sandys 1851 Henry ANDREWS, Stour Street, Cordwainer Daniel WHITE, Stour Street, Mealman Edward HAYWARD, Stour Street, Gardner Abraham FLINT, Stour Street, Brewer *unpolled James FISHER, Stour Street, Tinman *unpolled John TAYLOR, Stour Street, Gentleman
1840's - Abraham FLINT, Stour Street, Brewer with wife Sarah and daughters Mary, Sarah, Catherine. *a birth of a Catherine Flint Jan 2, 1823 St. Mildred, christened London Dec 10, 1824 *Feb 22, death at Canterbury, aged 71, Abraham Flint, esq. GM1848 The Baptist Magazine 1872 Mr. Thomas Flint, of Mill Hall, Near Maidstone There are few duties of a more pleasurable character, than seeking to perpetuate the memory of the pious dead, over whose ashes sorrowing friendship loves to record their excellences, and portray the example left for the imitation of the living. And one of the most interesting uses of a denominational record, is the repertory it forms of the lives of Christians, who have adorned the doctrine of their Saviour, and served His cause with fidelity. To have such in remembrance is a claim, dictated alike by nature and religion. Mr. Thomas Flint was the eldest son of the late Abraham Flint Esq., of Canterbury, whose memoir is given in this Magazine (see vol. xl., page 294), and was born in 1804. His mother was "a lady of great refinement and sincere piety" who sought to train for heaven her two children. The eldest, the subject of this brief memoir, so largely possessed of her sterling qualities, that her maiden name was often applied to him, to mark the resemblance. It was his great misfortune to lose this inestimable parent early in life, and his youth passed under the care of his father, and in school duties, till, before manhood was reached. Providence placed him in permanent association with his cousin, and afterwards brother-in-law, the late Mr. Benjamin Francis Flint (see Baptist Magazine vol. lxii, pg 463). No circumstance of his history was regarded by himself or his friends, as having had a more beneficial influence on his future life and happiness than this. The excellent example and counsel he derived therefrom, greatly aided in the formation of character, and a lifelong friendship was commenced resembling in sincerity that of David and Johnathan.....They worshipped in the same sanctuary for many years, and now together they "stand and bow" among the redeemed host. Lovely were they in their lives, and in death not long divided. In his twenty-third year Mr. Thomas Flint professed his faith in Christ by baptism, in connection with the church at King Street, Canterbury, in company with his wife, the eldest daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Flint (see Baptist Magazine, vil. xxx. p. 311) and his sainted sister. Their happy union was protracted through fourty five years. She, who was the balm of his life, survives him, and in calm reliance on her God, waits His will for reunion in a deathless world. Mr. Flint for some years, acted with much acceptance as the congregational clerk, and on the death of his father, was chosen to fill his place in the deacon's office. To the interests of that church he devoted his efforts, his prayers and his substance; and many surviving can bear witness to his earnest desires for the prosperity of the Zion he loved. Scarcely ever was he absent at either Sabbath or weekday services. Leaving Canterbury in 1849, to reside in Maidstone, he attended the ministry of the Rev. H.H. Dobney with whom a warm friendship subsisted to the close of life. Here also he officiated as precentor, till shortly before his death; and though living nearly four miles from the chapel, he was invariably punctual in attendance at the desk.......His remains were interred in the beautiful cemetery at Maidstone by the Rev. H. H. Dobney, who in terms of great force and feeling bore high testimony to his character and worth. These were fully suplemented on the Sabbath, by a more extended reference to the departed...... F.L.F. (died age 67) *Thomas Flint of St. Mildred's Canterbury, bachelor age 22 and Mary Ann Flint of the same, spinster, age 24. Marriage Licence, August 25, 1826 they had a son Thomas Flint that they baptized at St. Mildreds on Sept 1, 1828, Mary Ann's father, Thomas Flint, Mary Anns mother, Catherine Holbrow. Thomas and Mary Ann were living in Watling street in Canterbury.
1847 Charles Brock Esq. Stour Street 1847 Mr. Edward Cowell, Stour Street
2 cases of measles attended to in an epidemic of this disease in Stour Street, St. Margaret's Parish, Canterbury during 1852 by G. Rigden, Esq. (138 cases total in the city) 15 cases were fatal - one in Stour Street, Female 15 months, death June 25th, Nature of District - Unhealthy AMJ
"Somner says that a family of At-Wood dwelt in Stour-street in this parish, and one Thomas At-Wood was, in King Henry VIII.'s time, four several times mayor of Canterbury. He built this chancel as a place of sepulture for himself and his family, several of whom lie interred in it under fair grave-stones formerly inlaid with brasses, all long since torn away." GM1860 (re: St. Mildred's, Canterbury) 1894 AD - Miss KINMONT (Mrs. HIGGINS) has removed from Sun Street and still continues to supply funeral wreaths and crosses, also wedding and other bouquets on the shortest notice. All orders to be addressed to Errol House, Stour Street, Canterbury. Noisome way in Stour Street between Mr. Roderam and Maynard Spetyll. CC/JQ/352/5
© T. Machado