Alfred Beer & Co.

Ash & Co. - Dane John Brewery

Dean & Son

Flint & Co. - St. Dunstan's Brewery

George Beer & Co. - Star Brewery

Longport Brewery

Northgate Brewery

Rigden and Delman's Brewery

Sankey & Nutt


Caution to Waggoners. - E. Yeomans, a waggoner, in the employ of Mr. Mason, a brewer in Canterbury, was lately convicted in the mitigated penalty of 5s. and costs, for not having chained a dog to a dray which he was driving on the Whitstable road. The public perhaps are not aware of the following clause in the general Turnpike Act. 4th Geo. IV. chap. 95: "That if any person having the care of any waggon or other carriage to convey goods for hire, reward, or sale, on any turnpike road, shall not chain or fasten any dog that may be attending him on such road to such waggon or other carriage, every person so offending shall forfeit any sum not exceeding 20s." The Imperial Magazine 1827


The London Gazette, Part 2

Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership subsisting between us the undersigned, Thomas MASON and Edward YEOMANS, as Brewers, carrying on business in the Borough of Staplegate, near the City of Canterbury, in the County of Kent, under the firm of Mason and Yeomans, in this day disolved by mutual consent: As witness our hands this 10th day of August 1833. Thomas Mason. The Edward X Yeomans Mark of.



Number of Dealers in Wine

A.D. 1552. 5th Edw. VI. Parliament restrained the magistrates from licencing any greater number than the following, in each town for the sale of wine.

London - 40 / Chester - 3

York - 8 / Hereford - 3

Westminster - 3 / Worcester - 3

Bristol - 6 / Shrewsbury - 3

Lincoln - 3 / Southampton - 3

Hull - 4 / CANTERBURY - 4

Exeter - 4 / Winchester - 5

Salisbury - 4 / Oxford - 3

Shrewsbury - 3 / Cambridge - 3

Gloucester - 4 / Colchester - 4

Query, the number of persons now licenced for that purpose?"

The Literary Panoram 1810


"So debased was the conduct of the Danes in England during the reign of Edgar, and so addicted to inebriety were they, that their bad example induced that monarch, by the advice of Dunstan, Bishop of Canterbury, to put down all the alehouses, excepting one in every village or small town." 1838


1821 Read, Flint, and Co., Canterbury Brewers



George ASH, Watling Street

Bennett & Beer, St. Augustine's Monastry

Flint & Kingsford, St. Dunstan's

Thomas GILES, Longport

Charles PILLOW (trustees for), 2 St. George's Place

Read, Flint & Co. Stour Street

Rigden, Pierce & Co., Beercart Lane


1826/27 Pigot's Directory of Canterbury - courtesy of RK

George Ash*, Dane John Brewery
Bennett & Beer, St, Augustine's Brewery
Flint & Kingsford, St. Dunstan's Brewery
Mssrs. Flint, Stour Street
Giles Thomas, Longport Brewery
Thomas Mason, Longport
Rigden & Co., Beer Cart Lane
Thomas Watson, St. George's Place

*Not to be confused with the Ash (near Sandwich) Brewery, usually referred to as Gardner's


Stapleton's Directory 1838 - courtesy of RK

George Ash - Dane John Brewery, 36, Watling St.
William Beer - St. Augustine's Brewery. Also at 65, Burgate St. (Believed to be William Beer's retail outlet/off licence)
John Saunders Bennett, Longport Brewery
Charles Benham, Cannon Brewery, St. George's Place
Flint & Co. Stour St.
Flint & Kingsford, St. Dunstan's Brewery
George Fortune, 35, Watling St. (Possibly a brewer for George Ash next door?)
George Hacker, Watling St. (Possibly a brewer for George Ash?)
William Rigden & Harriett Delmar, Hawks Lane
Francis Saunders, North Lane
William & George Wall, Northgate Brewery, Duck Lane


1584 "COLLARD", the son of a rich brewer at Canterbury, killed a poor man there in the open street. Manwood, the Lord Chief Baron threatened to hang him, but by means of £240, paid by the father, the son had his pardon by the Chief Baron's means, and ever after wore the Chief Baron's livery, and walks the streets of Canterbury to the disparagement of justice and the great grief of all the honest inhabitants there." Ibid, p.270


"The hop grounds of the parishes between Sandwich and Canterbury are those which produce the fine East Kent hops, so much sought after by the London brewers. But the principal hop plantations are about Canterbury and Maidstone."

The new universal Gazetteer; or, Geographical diction 1798


"The Hop Plantations in the vicinity of Canterbury and Maidstone being the principal growth of the county, a description of them may suffice for the whole.

The plantations near Canterbury, called the City Grounds, are those surrounding the city, to the distance of two or three miles, and contain between two and three thousand acres.

The hops growing there, and in East Kent, are of a very fine rich quality, and if well managed, are of a good colour. They are highly esteemed by the London brewers for their great strength, doing more execution in the copper than those of any other district.

The best of these plantations are those which have a good deep rich loamy surface, with a deep subsoil of loamy brick each. This kind of land forms the principal part of the plantations of East Kent: there are, however, some grounds, where the surface is very flinty, and some of a gravelly nature; but these are inferior.

The plantations of the town of Maidstone and its vicinity, extend through the several parishes on the ragstone shelf of land which lies below the chalk-hills, on the borders of the Weald of Kent. This plantation, in some years, grows great crops of hops; but the quality of them is somewhat inferior to those of Canterbury and East Kent: in general they grow larger, having a thicker leaf, with a less quantity of the farina, provincially condition, which constitutes their essential quality. Nothing can be a more satisfactory proof of the superiority of East-Kent hops, than that they generally sell to the London brewers for most money; yet there are many of the Middle Kent planters, who produce hops of the first quality; and their plantations in general are managed with great skill and attention. Some of them are very extensive: that of the Earl of Romney consists of forty-five acres in one field, and is in a high state of cultivation. On account of the richness of the soil, it is planted thinner than usual, having only eight hundred and ten hills per acre; but four poles are placed to each hill. Some part of this plantation was trenched before planting, at the expense of 2s. 6d. per square rod, or 20l per acre; and that part succeeds best.

From the excessive high price of hops in 1799 and 1800, the planters have been tempted to extend their plantations so much, that the market is now overstocked, and their business, until the plantation is much reduced, is entirely ruined. There are some planters in West Kent, who have nearly a hundred acres each."

General View of the Agriculture of the County of Kent 1805


"Canterbury - Number of Pub Brewers - 42, Number of Licenced Victuallers, selling their own beer - 26, Number of Licenced Victuallers, selling for brewers 606 Total barrels of Strong Beer -75,874, Total barrels of Table Beer - 28,873"

Number of Licenced Victuallers / Number of Pub Brewers, April 5th, 1818


1871 - Thomas W. Delasaux, Wine Merchant (St. Thomas Terrace)


"The surrounding country produces great quantities of hops, in the cultivation of which many of the poorer classes find employment."

The Edinburgh Gazetteer, Or Geographical Dictionary 1822


"Canterbury - Number of Pub Brewers - Total barrels of Strong by, public brewers 65, 279, by Licensed Victuallers 2, 935, Table Beer - 25, 319"

Number of Licenced Victuallers / Number of Pub Brewers, April 5th, 1824


Sturges & Turmaine, porter & ale merchants, Mercery Lane

Wine & Spirit Merchants

William and George Cock (beer and cider) Guildhall Street

Abraham Dombrain (spirit) St. Margaret's Street

B. & T. Flint (brandy) Stour Street

George Frend, St. George's Street

Thomas Hart (wine), Burgate Street

Jos. Royle (brandy & hop), High Street

Samuel Wood, St. Margaret's Street


Gurney Croasdill (& hop planter), West gate without

John Fletcher, Wincheap Street

Robert Ruglys, Wincheap Street

Directory 1824



Jessie Dobell Senior, Brewer, 10 St. Peters Place

George Beer, Brewer & Maltster, 8 Broad Street


"The white bines are the favourites of Farnham and Canterbury. They require the same description of soil as the goldings, are very similar in their appearance and growth, and have nearly the same value in the market. The flower of the white-bines is considered to possess the most delicate flavour, while that of the goldings is thought by some brewers to have more strength. These two varieties are most esteemed for the brewing of pale bitter ale. They both require very long poles, and on the average of years produce smaller crops and a coarser kind of hop. The Bone's stand next in favour with the brewer. They will grow on inferior land; and as they require very short poles, and are pretty good croppers, they are in general favour with many growers in Kent."

The Chemistry of Common Life 1855


Canterbury (Rigden and Delman's Brewery) - "I purchased your Treatise on Brewing when it first came out, and I have recently obtained the last edition of it, and also the "Voice from the Mash-tun." "I am so greatly pleased with the science and skill displayed in these works that I should like to try your "Brewer's Journal," and herewith send Post-office order for its price. Edward Cowell." The Theory and Practice of Brewing Illustrated - By William Littell Tizard 1857


From Parliamentary Papers 1881 - Mr. Mudford also indirectly provided the sum of 30l. by means of a loan, which was through his intervention made by George Beer, a brewer of Canterbury, to George Bass, an insolvent Grover, who had in 1879 been an active briber on the Liberal side. The contributions of Mr. George Collard consisted of the sum of 50l., handed by him to Alfred Potter, who as an active member of the Conservation Association, and who died before the commencement of our inquiry.....


1884 - Maltsters

Ash & Co. Dane John Brewery

Beer & Co. Original Brewery, Broad Street

George Beer & Co., Star Brewery, Broad Street

Frederick Flint and Sons, St. Dunstan's

William, Edward & John Rigden, Beer Cart Lane


Ash & Co. Dane John Brewery

Beer & Co. Original Brewery, Broad Street

George Beer & Co., Star Brewery, Broad Street

Frederick Flint and Sons, St. Dunstan's

William, Edward & John Rigden, Beer Cart Lane

Gardner & Co., North Lane

Henry Holden, 25 Longport Street

Johnson & Co. Limited (export)

Shepherd, Neame & Co. L.C.&D. Railway Station

Ale & Porter Merchants & Bottlers

Frederick Finn, 48 Burgate Street

Gardner & Co. (James Clinch, storekeeper), North Lane

William Sanderson, bonded stores

Shepherd, Neame & Co. L.C.&D. Railway station

William E. Taylor, St. Margaret Street

Thomas Harry Walkley, 4 Parade & Buttermarket


1903 George Beer & Co. brewers and wine and spirit and bottled beer merchants, Star Brewery, Broad Street (no address)

Item, they present Thomas Getter, John Collard, Robert Austen, James Netherwell, and George Weston, for thatt they make nott there common beare holesom for man's bodie. (John Brent, Canterbury in the Olden time)


Ash and Co. Dane John Brewery, St. Johns Lane - 1917

George Beer & Co. Star Brewery, Burgate Street and Broad Street - 1917

Canterbury Brewery Co. 46 St. George's St. and Northgate St. - 1917

Flint and Co. (ltd.) 33 St. Dunstan's Street - 1917


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