On the north wall you can see the tempura wall painting of "Our Lord in Glory," that was found behind an old fireplace and chimney in the refectory, when it was pulled down in 1879, by workmen employed by Mr. Wiltshier. It is believed to be of the late 12th or early 13th century work. There were other paintings on this wall which have unfortunately been lost to time; a representation of Thomas Becket's murder to the right, the Penance of King Henry II. on the left side, and below was the painting of the Last Supper. It was also said that there were Royal Arms which were located above, which fell off when the chimney was finally removed. Mr. James Neale F.S.A. was in charge of the preservation of the paintings upon their discovery, and in 1962, the restoration of them was undertaken by Mrs. Eve Baker and a group of additional experts. A special "thank you" to all of you who work hard to preserve such beautiful treasures of historic art. "Whilst this work was passing through the press, a discovery was made at Eastbridge of a wall painting on the N.E. side of the hall, during the process of some repairs. It is sadly mutilated, but enough remains to show it is a descriptive of the murder of Beckett. The Archbishop, who is down on his knees, is about to receive a fatal blow from the axe of one of the assasins. Little is to be deciphered but the heads and shoulders of four or five figures. A huge and unsightly chimney-piece, about to be pulled down, probably conceals a continuation of the design. Competent judges consider the painting to be of the 14th or 15th century. The pilgrims who were once entertained in this hall had thus an opportunity of contemplating an attempt to depict the Martyrdom of the Saint, whose shrine many of them had travelled so many miles to visit." John Brent 1879
© T. Machado